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Denture Care and When to Repair

October 7, 2022

There's nothing like the power of a smile to communicate your delight. How often do you smile? According to Forbes, 30% of adults smile more than 20 times a day, while 14% smile fewer than five times a day. While there are a number of reasons people avoid smiling, it often has to do with the person's lack of confidence in their smile. The perfect pair of dentures can help those with missing teeth or tooth decay beam with confidence. Once you've invested in a set of dentures, it's important to make them last. Following a few simple tips will preserve your dentures for years to come and help you know when to seek denture repair services.

Preventative Care

Caring for your dentures daily is a great way to prevent damage — and, ultimately, a trip to the dentist's office. After eating, remove your dentures and give them a rinse to remove any food debris. Brush them at least twice daily with a soft brush and non-abrasive cleanser. Soaking them overnight in a gentle solution will help keep them moist. If you're careful, a pair of well-maintained dentures can last for more than a decade. You should also avoid any bleaching products because they'll weaken your dentures and cause them to discolor.

Denture Repair

Despite your best efforts, accidents happen and it's likely that daily use will create wear and tear on your dentures. Getting them repaired is much less expensive than getting them replaced. If you notice a small crack or a loose tooth, it's best to bring your dentures to your dentist as soon as possible to prevent the issue from getting worse.

Denture Replacement

If your dentures have suffered extreme damage, or they're simply too worn out, you might need a full replacement. For instance, if you drop your dentures and crack them, it might not be possible to salvage them. A perfect fit is crucial for biting and chewing, so if your dentures are uncomfortable or even cause you pain, a new pair might be necessary.

If you need denture repair services or are looking to get started with dentures, reach out to Stewart Family Dental. Our free consultation will help you find the care you seek and have you smiling in no time.

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